Monday, July 23, 2007

Family Day

We went to the Mekar Sari fruit garden, Cileungsi on July 22th, 2007. It was a Family Day from Astra Honda Motor company. We can choose a lots of recreation place for our family every year. This year we have choosen Mekar Sari fruit garden, Cileungsi. It's very beautiful place. We can see, buy a lots of fresh fruit and play playgrounds for our family. We could enjoy this tour with free.

We looked around every place by train. We could saw a farmer grew a new fruit plants. A group of fruit plants have one area by themself. There are a star fruits, guava fruits, durians fruits, etc. We can take a lots of fruits by ourself after we buy it.

All of my family was very happy. We enjoyed this tour very much. There are a lot of friends who more close than before. We smiled together after played Bom Bom Car. Thanks for AHM company because they care psyche needed.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Best Friend

A best friend must be like a "BRA". It's can hold tightly, can make us feel safe and always be closed to our heart.

I always thought you were the best I guess I always will.

I always thought that we were blessed And I feel that way still.

Sometimes we took the hard road But we always saw it through.

If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you.

Sometimes the world was on our side Sometimes it wasn't fair.

Sometimes it gave a helping hand Sometimes we didn't care.

'Cause when we were together It made the dream come true.

If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you.

Someone who understands me And knows me inside out.

Helps keep me together And believes without a doubt, That I could move a mountain Someone to tell it to.

If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you.

Someone And knows me inside out.

Helps keep me together And believes without a doubt, That I could move a mountain Someone to tell it to.

If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

(Umpan Balik)

Life is a system from the beginning until the end. We go by every part with sadness and happiness. Our life still go on, but we need feedback for a moment.

Kehidupan adalah suatu sistim yang berlangsung dari awal sampai akhir. Kita melewati setiap bagiannya dengan kesedihan dan kebahagiaan. Kehidupan kita terus berlanjut, tetapi kita perlu waktu sejenak untuk melihat kembali ke belakang.

Feedback is return of part of a system’s output to its source. After we go by our life for so long, was there we have passed some part in the past which we didn’t realize it but gave an bad influence at this moment? Some times we lost our control, angry or crying without logic reason. Why that feeling could be happen to us?

Umpan balik adalah kembali menengok ke belakang, ke setiap bagian dari suatu sistim yang sudah berlangsung. Setelah kita melewati kehidupan kita sekian lama, apakah ada peristiwa di masa lalu yang tanpa kita sadari telah memberikan pengaruh buruk bagi kita saat ini? Terkadang kita kehilangan kendali, marah-marah ataupun menangis tanpa sebab yang jelas. Mengapa perasaan ini dapat terjadi terhadap kita?

We better feedback for a while, unless 15 minutes every day. It’s important to repair the bad things in the past to get more qualify life.

- Which part in the past we disliked and hurt ourfeeling?

- Did we did wrong with our friends, couple, parent, children and someone else?

- Did we hurt our feeling because of our friends. couple, parent, children and someone else?

Sebaiknya kita lihat kembali ke masa lalu sejenak, setidaknya 15 menit setiap hari. Hal ini penting untuk memperbaiki perasaan buruk di masa lalu sehingga hidup kita menjadi lebih bermutu.

- Adakah di masa lalu yang tidak kita sukai dan melukai hati kita?

- Apakah kita pernah berbuat salah terhadap teman kita, pasangan kita, orang tua kita, anak-anak kita dan orang lain?

- Apakah perasaaan kita terluka karena teman kita, pasangan kita, orang tua kita, anak-anak kita dan orang lain?

Thinking about it with listening instrumental song or religion song alone or retire into solitude at your room early morning or midnight. That situation can help you find it faster.

Pikirkanlah semua hal ini sambil mendengarkan musik instrumen atau lagu rohani sendiri di suatu ruangan yang hening saat subuh ataupun tengah malam. Suasana ini dapat membantu kita menemukan perasaan buruk itu lebih cepat.

Usually, when we was childhood, we need more attention and love from our parent or the older around us but they didn’t realize it. They too busy with their work every time. We only met them in our dreamt while we was sleeping in the night and hearing their voice while we didn’t woke up in the morning. Their hard rule make us didn’t feel free in our childhood. It’s a lot of rules nothing right for us. That situation could make us felt depress but we couldn’t show it.

Biasanya,ketika di masa kecil, kita masih memerlukan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang lebih besar dari orang tua kita ataupun orang-orang di sekitar kita tetapi mereka semua tidak menyadarinya. Mereka terlalu sibuk dengan perkerjaannya setiap hari. Kita hanya bertemu mereka saat kita sudah tidur dan bermimpi di waktu malam dan mendengarkan suara mereka saat kita belum bangun di pagi hari. Peraturan-peraturan yang mereka buat membuat kita terkekang saat masa kecil. Begitu banyak peraturan tanpa hak untuk kita. Keadaan ini dapat membuat kita stres tetapi kita tidak mampu memperlihatkannya.

We felt lonely, nobody need us, angry and unhappy. That’s situation could be influence until this time, but we don’t realize it. That bad feeling stayed deep in our heart. From one day to another we add our depress without realize that some times it could be a ‘bomb’. Blaaaash!!!That bad feeling come out from our heart, and we couldn’t stop it.
Oh…after that, it’s make us upset.

Kita merasa kesepian, tidak ada seorangpun yang membutuhkan kita, marah-marah dan tidak bahagia. Keadaan ini dapat berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan saat ini, tetapi kita tidak menyadarinya. Perasaan buruk itu mengendap di hati kita. Dari hari ke hari kita menambah stres ini tanpa kita sadari bahwa suatu saat akan menjadi 'bom'. Dhuaarr!!! Perasaan buruk itu muncul dari hati kita tanpa mampu kita cegah. setelah itu, perasaaan kita menjadi galau.

Before that ‘bomb’ come out from our heart, we better talk open with someone else who we trust able keep our secret for get the feedback. And after that, we can feel that our life have a great change this time. We realixe that our life is beautiful and a lot of person around us love and give attention to us. We can continue our life with easy feeling and happiness.

Sebelum 'bom' itu muncul dari hati kita, sebaiknya kita membicarakannya secara terbuka dengan seseorang yang kita percaya dapat menyimpan rahasia kita untuk mendapatkan umpan balik. Setelah itu, kita dapat merasakan perubahan yang luar biasa dalam hidup kita saat ini. Kita sadar bahwa kehidupan kita ini indah dan begitu banyak orang disekitar kita yang memberikan perhatian terhadap kita. Kita dapat melanjutkan kehidupan ini dengan mudah dan bahagia.