Sunday, May 27, 2007

Entrance BC. Hardo Mandiri

I made this design for my forster father. He stays at Sukabumi. He wanted his house also for his bussiness. So, the entrance for his shop. He sells healthy food.

The design shows Minimalist Style. With the small space, this place is also able to open the shop.
The most important arranged every space efficiencly.

Now, his bussiness is more success and the grade has changed into BC. Hardo Mandiri. BC means Bussiness Centre.

With hard working and positive thinking, he can overcome every problem in his bussiness. He always learn how to build his bussiness successfully and always discusses with his upline. He never upsets when his bussiness goes down. He sure that he able to overcome it. He has a high spirit for the rest of his lives.

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