Salam hangat,
Giacinta Hanna & Keluarga
Artikel ini telah dimuat di Majalah Mingguan Umat Beriman HIDUP no 45. tahun ke-61, 11 November 2007
This article has inserted in HIDUP magazine no.45, November 11st, 2007
Lost of Marriage Lordy Value
Pudarnya Keagungan Nilai Perkawinan
Matrimony can be lordy if they still appreciate our couple precence beside them. They precence give their couple confidence that didn’t share their love for anybody beside them. They still keep their promise until the end similiary as the first.
Ikatan suatu perkawinan akan tetap agung jika mereka masih menghargai kehadiran pasangan di sisi mereka. Kehadirannya memberikan kepercayaan kepada pasangannya bahwa cintanya tak terbagi untuk siapapun selain dirinya. Janjinya tetap dipegang teguh sampai akhir hidupnya sama seperti janjinya saat menikah dulu.
Ritualistic and elegance marriage really lordy and showed that they have more better moral than another creature in this world.
Pernikahan dengan tata cara keagamaan dan kemewahan begitu agung dirasakan dan menunjukkan mereka mempunyai akhlak yang jauh lebih baik daripada mahluk hidup lainnya yang mengisi bumi ini.
But, why marriage lordy lost recently? Modern culture and view of life changed influence are the caused. Belief to Lord has lost because they didn’t maintance their relationship with closed and in harmony.
Akan tetapi, mengapa keagungan perkawinan memudar akhir-akhir ini? Pengaruh kebudayaan modern dan perubahan cara pandang adalah sebagai penyebabnya. Keimanan kepada Tuhan telah pudar karena mereka tidak memelihara hubungannya dengan erat dan harmonis.
It’s many dishonest happened everywhere neither open or concealed. They didn’t realize about this sometimes and just only satisfied consider important at the moment time. Eventhough an expert said that in man mind have 90 % about sex and they heterosexual in nature, but it didn’t fair if they must have sacrificed value purity of marriage.
Banyak perselingkuhan terjadi dimanapun baik itu dilakukan secara terbuka maupun tersembunyi. Terkadang mereka tidak sadar akan hal ini dan hanya mementingkan kepuasan sesaat. Meskipun seorang pakar mengatakan bahwa 90% dalam pikiran laki-laki adalah sex dan pada dasarnya mereka itu heteroseksual , tetapi sangat tidak adil jika harus mengorbankan kesucian nilai dari sebuah perkawinan.
Family relationship in unharmony or just only need called it’s a modern life and followed their friends couldn’t be a reason did dishonest with someone. It’s regret if marriage loyality which they keep firmed was broken when they started dishonest.
Ketidakharmonisan dalam hubungan rumah tangga ataupun hanya ingin disebut modern dan ikut-ikutan teman janganlah dijadikan alasan untuk berbuat selingkuh dengan seseorang. Alangkah sayangnya jika kesetiaan terhadap perkawinan yang selama ini dipegang teguh hancur begitu saja ketika mereka mulai melakukan selingkuh.
There are sacrifice realized in the future if they did dishonest because of they need more alive than their life now, sex satisfaction or another reasons. Those feeling has just only stayed at the moment time Finally they will feel suffer like lost their job, miserable, broken family in unharmony, emptiness physche, doesn’t have religion and desperate.
Begitu banyak pengorbanan yang harus dialami nantinya jika mereka melakukan perselingkuhan karena ingin merasa hidup yang lebih hidup, kepuasan sex ataupun alasan lainnya. Perasaan itu hanya akan bersifat sementara. Pada akhirnya mereka akan menderita seperti kehilangan pekerjaan, hartanya habis, keharmonisan keluarga hancur, kekosongan jiwa, tidak mempunyai pegangan hidup, dan putus asa.
So, don't ever thinking will do dishonest in this life.
I Will
Who knows how long I've loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely life time
If you want me to I will
For if I ever saw you
I didn't catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same
Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart
And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do end ear you to me
And you know
I will I will
The children songs always touching our heart. Our felling can be peacfully, happyly and comfortable. Children in their live are really innocent and friendly.
We love children all of our life.
As we stroll along together
Holding hands and walking all alone
So in love are we two
That we dont know what to do
So in love
So in love In love about you
As we strow by the sea together
on the stars twinkling high above
So in love are we two
No one else but me and you
So in love, so much in love
So in love, so much in love
We still along together
I tell you , I need you I am so much
I love , love you my darling
Can you tell in my touch
When walk down the isle together
As we vow to stay together till we die
So much love have we two
Just cant wait to say I do
So in love
So in love
Oh you and i
So in love
Oh you and I
So in love
Oh you and I
I always thought you were the best I guess I always will.
I always thought that we were blessed And I feel that way still.
Sometimes we took the hard road But we always saw it through.
If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you.
Sometimes the world was on our side Sometimes it wasn't fair.
Sometimes it gave a helping hand Sometimes we didn't care.
'Cause when we were together It made the dream come true.
If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you.
Someone who understands me And knows me inside out.
Helps keep me together And believes without a doubt, That I could move a mountain Someone to tell it to.
If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you.
Someone And knows me inside out.
Helps keep me together And believes without a doubt, That I could move a mountain Someone to tell it to.
If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you.
Kehidupan adalah suatu sistim yang berlangsung dari awal sampai akhir. Kita melewati setiap bagiannya dengan kesedihan dan kebahagiaan. Kehidupan kita terus berlanjut, tetapi kita perlu waktu sejenak untuk melihat kembali ke belakang.
- Adakah di masa lalu yang tidak kita sukai dan melukai hati kita?
- Apakah kita pernah berbuat salah terhadap teman kita, pasangan kita, orang tua kita, anak-anak kita dan orang lain?
- Apakah perasaaan kita terluka karena teman kita, pasangan kita, orang tua kita, anak-anak kita dan orang lain?
Thinking about it with listening instrumental song or religion song alone or retire into solitude at your room early morning or midnight. That situation can help you find it faster.
Pikirkanlah semua hal ini sambil mendengarkan musik instrumen atau lagu rohani sendiri di suatu ruangan yang hening saat subuh ataupun tengah malam. Suasana ini dapat membantu kita menemukan perasaan buruk itu lebih cepat.
Usually, when we was childhood, we need more attention and love from our parent or the older around us but they didn’t realize it. They too busy with their work every time. We only met them in our dreamt while we was sleeping in the night and hearing their voice while we didn’t woke up in the morning. Their hard rule make us didn’t feel free in our childhood. It’s a lot of rules nothing right for us. That situation could make us felt depress but we couldn’t show it.
Biasanya,ketika di masa kecil, kita masih memerlukan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang lebih besar dari orang tua kita ataupun orang-orang di sekitar kita tetapi mereka semua tidak menyadarinya. Mereka terlalu sibuk dengan perkerjaannya setiap hari. Kita hanya bertemu mereka saat kita sudah tidur dan bermimpi di waktu malam dan mendengarkan suara mereka saat kita belum bangun di pagi hari. Peraturan-peraturan yang mereka buat membuat kita terkekang saat masa kecil. Begitu banyak peraturan tanpa hak untuk kita. Keadaan ini dapat membuat kita stres tetapi kita tidak mampu memperlihatkannya.
We felt lonely, nobody need us, angry and unhappy. That’s situation could be influence until this time, but we don’t realize it. That bad feeling stayed deep in our heart. From one day to another we add our depress without realize that some times it could be a ‘bomb’. Blaaaash!!!That bad feeling come out from our heart, and we couldn’t stop it.
Oh…after that, it’s make us upset.
Kita merasa kesepian, tidak ada seorangpun yang membutuhkan kita, marah-marah dan tidak bahagia. Keadaan ini dapat berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan saat ini, tetapi kita tidak menyadarinya. Perasaan buruk itu mengendap di hati kita. Dari hari ke hari kita menambah stres ini tanpa kita sadari bahwa suatu saat akan menjadi 'bom'. Dhuaarr!!! Perasaan buruk itu muncul dari hati kita tanpa mampu kita cegah. setelah itu, perasaaan kita menjadi galau.
Nature law said that it must have been balance in this life, there is black and white, there is strong and weak, there is good and bad, all of that it has a balance and that is impossible if everythings strong, but also there is a weak.
So also in the world life, there is impossible if everyone strong. but it has someone who give in. Give in its different with a weak, but with a give in there is a complete strong (which can't lose everything).
So also if somebody strong, there is not sure win. There are a lot of phychist attempt who must accept. Well balance is the best.
Look at the natural truth and objective, ... so everything can be finished without repetance. Because all of cause and consequence which has been done, is there a reason which strong of true.
If we talk about match relationship,.. there is not a standard about it but only try match by yourself. Everybody must have a communication without judgment. Base with everybody about making conscious that every idea is different, and its deppen of how everybody look at that problem. The last one is get out of egoistist with don't always thinking about yourself but thinking about everybody need.
I hope this advice can give you a new spirit to continue your world life . Enjoy by yourself with happiness every time... so you can feel that every problem is not hard, not difficult. I am sure that you can able to pass it out from this problem with a best decision.
Happy Birthday for my 2nd son Stefanus Adri Irawan which born on June 4, 1998 at Sukabumi city, West Java, Indonesia.
Warm Regards,
I made this design for my forster father. He stays at Sukabumi. He wanted his house also for his bussiness. So, the entrance for his shop. He sells healthy food.
The design shows Minimalist Style. With the small space, this place is also able to open the shop.
The most important arranged every space efficiencly.
Now, his bussiness is more success and the grade has changed into BC. Hardo Mandiri. BC means Bussiness Centre.
With hard working and positive thinking, he can overcome every problem in his bussiness. He always learn how to build his bussiness successfully and always discusses with his upline. He never upsets when his bussiness goes down. He sure that he able to overcome it. He has a high spirit for the rest of his lives.
"Hey,... our hobbies same. You look familiar for me." She said in the bus.We thought that we ever met each other before this time. Is she a part of my soul?
Dina was not my fugitive. She has the unique one which very attractive. Everybody has the unique one in their character which are attractive for anybody. Her character match with me. She likes growing plant, write, and see a beautiful things in this world. She care about human problem and always help them with her written. She likes talk with anybody and very humble. That why we close very fast. I feel she look like a part of my soul. We are a friendship now.
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies, by Aristotle. The gender, old or place are not influence for that. If we match each other, that is a part of my soul. Our friendship will be there forever because we need each other.
"Ma, ada tugas kliping PKPS nih. Judulnya Benda-benda Peninggalan Sejarah." Ujar anakku sedikit panik karena waktu yang diberikan cuma tiga hari terhitung hari ini. Belum lagi ulangan-ulangan yang setumpuk yang harus dihafalkan dan dipelajari setiap hari.
Kalau sudah begini, yang sibuk bukan dia saja tapi mamanya juga ikut sibuk dan panik cari infomasi. Aku telepon temannya, pinjam kliping temannya yang tidak sekelas untuk perbandingan, lihat di buku pintar dan cari-cari data di Internet. Oh,.. aku sepertinya sekolah kembali dan sedang buat tugas saat kuliah dulu.
"Aduh... gila juga nih, masa anak kelas 4 bebannya udah begini banyak?" Omelku dalam hati. Aku yakin mereka tidak mungkin mampu mengerjakan semua bebannya seorang diri tanpa bantuan orang tuanya.
"Lha,... bagaimana kalau kedua orang tuanya bekerja? Siapa yang bantu ?" Gumamku lagi sambil mengerjakan tugas kliping ini dengan sekuat tenaga dan terburu-buru karena khawatir tidak selesai tepat pada waktunya.
"Ma, besok aku studi wisata ke Istana Bogor. Berangkat pukul 7.00 tepat dan pulangnya pukul 17.00 sore." Anakku mengingatkanku.
"Aduh,... mama lupa. Besok ya berangkatnya?" Aku kembali panik.
Ya,... beginilah ibu jaman sekarang. Penuh kepanikan mengurus anak-anaknya. Anakku mana peduli dengan klipingnya. Yang dia pikirkan adalah besok jalan-jalan. Oh,... begitu langkanya kegiatan yang satu ini karena selama ini mereka diperlakukan seperti robot di sekolahnya.
Masuk sekolah, mencatat di kelas, PS (Pekerjaan Sekolah), ulangan, ulangan blok, bagi rapot bayangan, catat lagi, PS lagi, ulangan, ulangan umum. Tidak ada kesempatan bagi mereka untuk mempraktekkan ilmu-ilmu dan teori-teori yang sudah diterimanya selama ini. Seringnya mereka masuk kandang setiap hari, seperti kerbau dicocok hidungnya. Tidak menurut ya nilai buruk. Nilai buruk berati bodoh. Tidak ada pilihan.
Terkadang anakku pulang sekolah mengeluh sakit kepala. Tetapi, setelah sampai rumah dan sudah agak santai sakit kepalanya sembuh tanpa obat apapun.
"Wah,.. gejala apa ini?" Pikirku dengan sedikit rasa khawatir akan perkembangan jiwanya.
Kelihatannya anakku stress dengan beban pelajaran ini. Tapi,.. apa yang bisa aku perbuat untuk menolongnya? Oh,.. kurikulum.... bikin sibuk orang tua dan terkesan ngerjain orang tua.
Terkadang saat membantu anakku belajar aku mengeluh dan mengomel.
"Sudah bayar mahal, eh...dikerjain pula. Sudah bayar mahal, eh... kog ikut cape juga ya orang tuanya?" Dimanakah letak ketidak - beresan kurikulum di Indonesia ini?
Jika hal ini berlangsung lama dan pemerintah terutama para ahli di bidang pedidikan tidak melakukan perubahan ataupun terobosan, maka bunga bangsa ini hanyalah akan menjadi beban negara. Karena dasar pendidikan tidak kuat, hanya mengejar nilai tanpa memperhatikan minat dan bakat setiap anak.
Akan jadi apa mereka di masa depan? Apa yang mampu mereka sumbangan untuk negara tercinta ini? Ide-ide murni apa yang akan tercetus untuk menyelesaikan semua permasalahan di bumi pertiwi ini? Kami membutuhkan ide-ide segar untuk kemajuan bangsa. Dimanakah dukungan dan perhatianmu, pemerintah negeri ini? Apakah negeri ini akan menjadi negeri yang paling terbelakang dari yang terbelakang?
Oh,...Kurikulum... kapankah akan berubah menjadi lebih ringan tetapi efektif?
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